
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Let's sit around the circle and share something about ourselves...

The last time I updated my blog was October 18th.  It is now November 18th.  I have 5 subscribed readers of my blog and I have failed each of them.  Since I am awake due to my husband's extremely loud late night hobbies and my anxiety about an upcoming event, I will grace you with a sharing session.  I tell you more about me and you tell me some interesting (or uninteresting) stuff about yourself.  Sound fair?  I want to know more about my 5 readers.

I am not sure if anyone realizes this or not, but besides carrying around a camera and holding it up to my face occasionally, I have a "real" job too. Well, several jobs, but one that is officially recognized by the greater society.  I put in my 40 hours at a local long term care facility (aka nursing home) as a CERTIFIED Occupational Therapy Assistant.  First of all, I stress "certified" because that title cost me about $37K for the 15 months I spent a community college.  Second of all, when I say "assistant," that does not mean that I spend all day following someone around who knows more than me and getting them coffee and cleaning their equipment.  I actually hate that the word "assistant" is in my title because it discredits everything that I do all day.  I don't get coffee for someone with a higher degree (unless they ask REALLY nicely) or file another's paperwork or transcribe documents.  I work with a rehabilitation team to ensure that patients admitted to my facility go home (or wherever they choose to go) as healthy and independent as possible.   Most of my clients are 75 or older and most of them return to home successfully. I spend my day exercising, chatting, motivating, listening, hugging, and laughing with people that have seen the lowest of lows and highest of highs.  I love my "official" career, but my passion is photography.  Someday, full-time photography will be my "official" career and this momma will be pretty stoked!

So, there you have it.  A glimpse at what I do for 40 hours of my week.  I will gradually share what goes on the other 128 hours when I am not falling asleep at the computer.  Goodnight!

P.S.  Don't worry (in case you were), I will post some recent work from the past month sometime this week.